
Every service organisation needs to get the right information to the right people at the right time to help plan and control operations while minimising costs. RedZebra’s comprehensive reporting tool provides the insight needed, fully customised to your specific requirements, to monitor and optimise all aspects of your field service operations. An extensive library of standard reports and a huge range of report templates make it easy to dive into your data to get the answers you need to make informed, beneficial business decisions.

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Our Reporting Software - What's Included

Our Reporting software, which is fully integrated with our service management software, provides everything you need to get the insight and information necessary for efficient and effective operations management. Here are just a few of the key features:

Engaging, Visual Reports

Easily include charts, graphs and even images in your reports to make them engaging and immediately actionable. Reports can be exported in all standard formats including Excel, PDF, Word and CSV and readily shared with the right people.

Extensive Report Template Library

An extensive library of standard report templates cover all aspects of your service operations. They include: comprehensive job sheets templates, invoice and quote templates, planned maintenance templates, service and inspection templates, certificates templates, checklist documentation and more. You can even create dynamic reports based on the context of a screen view such as a job sheet on a call screen or a quote report on a quote screen. Job sheets contextually change to show or hide required sections, such as Service Questions, and job sheet templates can be configured based on call types.

Custom Reports

Easily create custom, bespoke reports that give you the insight and analysis that’s important to your organisation. Refine your data with customisable filtering to focus on specific areas of interest and your key performance indicators. Save your custom filters for future use and enable your people to make better, data-driven decisions to meet defined targets and support your business goals.

Benefits of Our Reporting Software

Our RedZebra Reporting Software provides service organisations with many valuable advantages. Here are just a few:

Time Efficiency

Standard report formats and templates make it quick and easy to retrieve and share actionable information with everyone who needs it enabling fast, timely responses that save money and boost customer satisfaction.

Improved Communications

All aspects of service communications, both internal and external, are supported by our comprehensive reporting software. From invoices and quotes for customers to equipment maintenance schedules and job updates, our reporting module makes it easy to derive what your organisation needs.

Actionable Insights
Reporting, filtering and data analysis provides key insights into all aspects of your service operations, from field-service engineer performance to customer revenue. Insight and knowledge delivers what’s needed to make informed business decisions and save money.

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Discover how RedZebra’s field service management software can help you streamline your operations.

RedZebra makes light work of invoicing, whatever your industry. Businesses across a huge range of industries make use of our powerful invoicing capabilities to streamline their workflow and reduce admin costs – from HVAC and refrigeration businesses to companies who service elevators, install medical equipment or maintain buildings. Here are some of the industries we work with:

Discover How We’ve Worked Within Your Industry

When you transfer your business operations to RedZebra, you’ll enjoy a number of benefits. These include:

Call Management module
Call Management

RedZebra’s call module gives you all the space you need to add, monitor, schedule and store details about calls. This powerful yet intuitive system has been designed to allow you to operate smoothly and efficiently and provide a top notch service to your clients or customers. Keep reading to find out more about its top features.

Job Management software
Customer Management

The Customer module keeps all your customer data in one place, making it easy to access customer information and manage accounts. It acts as your account nerve centre, giving you a place to record notes and maintain the high level of service your customers and clients expect from you.

Inventory Stock Management

It can be challenging to keep track of items you may be holding at different stock locations, such as your warehouses and vans, but not with RedZebra’s stock module. Using this module, you’ll be able to keep tabs on how much stock you have, where it is, and where it’s going. Keep reading to find out more about the powerful features of this useful module.