Customer Management

Customer data management is a vital part of ensuring you offer the best possible service to your customers. Having a central place where all data is held allows you to work efficiently, streamlining your business operations. What’s more, it’s never been more important to ensure customer data is held securely, so you need software you can trust.

The Customer module of RedZebra’s field management system holds all your customer data securely in one place, so you’ll always have quick access to customer information and account management. It’s your account nerve centre, a place for you to record all the notes and information relating to each account and the work you’ve carried out for each customer. Ultimately, this helps to maintain the high level of service your customers and clients expect from you.

Job Management software

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Our Customer Management Module - What's Included?

To give you a sense of how the Customer module of our call management software can help your business, let’s look in more detail at some of its top features.
This customer data management feature holds every piece of information you have about a customer in one central place, including details such as their contact name and address, account number, billing information and site location(s).

Some customers have more than one site, such as a chain of shops. With RedZebra, you’re free to assign multiple sites to the same customer via their main account, which makes life easier when it comes to billing.

Service Contracts

RedZebra lets you create and manage service contracts directly from the software. It then houses your service level agreements along with the rest of the information you have on that customer, so it’s always easy to find. You can have different levels of service level agreements and coverage.

Benefits of Customer Management Software

When you transfer your business operations to RedZebra customer management software, you’ll enjoy a number of benefits. These include:

Centralised Data

This software holds all your customer data in one central location, which can be accessed from any device, anywhere. From customer account details to work carried out, and from service level agreements to sign-off signatures, all information is held on each customer’s account for a complete picture of your relationship with them.

Greater Efficiencies

Our customer module streamlines your workflow, storing all your records and saving you time on aspects of your admin such as generating planned maintenance calls.

User Friendly

RedZebra is powerful yet intuitive, so it won’t take much training for your office staff and engineers to learn how to use it.

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Discover how RedZebra’s field service management software can help you streamline your operations.

RedZebra customer management software is used by businesses across a huge range of industries to ensure the highest possible standards of customer care. Some of the industries currently streamlining their business operations with RedZebra include the following.

Here’s what some of our customers have to say about using RedZebra software.

Customer Management FAQs

Still have questions? Here are some of the ones we’re sometimes asked about RedZebra’s Customer module.

Can the system hold specific information about our sites and equipment?

Yes, RedZebra allows you to create your own fields at different levels so that it can store specific information for your industry and equipment service requirements.

Can we control access to our customer data?
Yes. We understand how important it is for customer data to be held securely, so the system allows you to allocate and control individual user access permissions.
We have a schedule of rates for some of our customers. Can the system manage these?

Yes, RedZebra contracts have the facility to include a schedule of rates for the different types of work and services you provide for your customers.

Is there a limit on the number of items at each customer’s site?

No, the system can handle a large number of items for each site.

Can RedZebra hold our F-Gas information?

Yes, RedZebra includes F-Gas functionality to record, monitor and report on the usage of refrigerant.

Can we hold multiple contacts?

Yes, multiple contacts can be recorded at both customer and site level.

Can we assign engineers and salespeople to our sites?
Yes, each site can have an assigned engineer and salesperson.
Can sites be assigned areas?

Yes, RedZebra allows you to create areas to group customers and sites together.

Can we assign different customer discount levels?

Yes, RedZebra includes the facility for multiple discount levels for each customer.

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Discover how RedZebra’s field service management software can help you streamline your operations.

When you transfer your business operations to RedZebra customer management software, you’ll enjoy a number of benefits. These include:

Call Management module
Call Management

RedZebra’s call module gives you all the space you need to add, monitor, schedule and store details about calls. This powerful yet intuitive system has been designed to allow you to operate smoothly and efficiently and provide a top notch service to your clients or customers. Keep reading to find out more about its top features.

Inventory Stock Management

It can be challenging to keep track of items you may be holding at different stock locations, such as your warehouses and vans, but not with RedZebra’s stock module. Using this module, you’ll be able to keep tabs on how much stock you have, where it is, and where it’s going. Keep reading to find out more about the powerful features of this useful module.

Call Management module
Mobile Field Service App
RedZebra Mobile is designed for use by your engineers and will speed up the time it takes them to record details of jobs when they’re out in the field. This clever web-based software runs on handheld devices, including smartphones, tablets and laptops, so that your engineers can take RedZebra with them wherever they’re on call. User-friendly and intuitively laid out, it allows engineers to create Field Reports on the go, recording actions taken during jobs and assigning them to a particular customer and site location.