Live Dashboard

Every service organisation needs to get the right information to the right people at the right time to help plan and control operations while minimising costs.

RedZebra’s Live Dashboard module uses real-time data and offers a high level of customisation, enabling users to select the data, sources and visualisation elements. With data readily available, users can easily dive in and get the answers they need to make informed, beneficial business decisions.

Personalised per-user or shared with the team, you can monitor and optimise all aspects of your field service operations with RedZebra’s Dashboard tool.


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Our Dashboard module - What's Included?

Our Live Dashboard module, which integrates seamlessly with all aspects of our service management software, provides everything you need to get the insight and information necessary for efficient and effective operations management. Some of its key features are:

Design Dashboard

The Design Dashboard screen is used to create and maintain your Live Dashboards. It allows you to build meaningful, tailor-made dashboards that contain their own criteria, visualisation elements, data sources and are set to their own refresh rates.

RedZebra’s Dashboard module supports bar charts, pie charts, tables, graphs, heat maps and more.

Call Dashboard

Your Call Dashboard gives you a live view of whatever information you want to see. For example, you could display unassigned calls and have them disappear once you’ve assigned them to an engineer. This real-time information makes it simple to stay on top of call scheduling, even when you’re busy.


With robust data filtering options to help you view the data you want, you can easily create custom, bespoke reports that give you the insight your organisation needs.

You can save your custom filters for future use and enable the business to make better, data-driven decisions to meet defined targets and support your business objectives.

Benefits of Our Live Dashboard

Our RedZebra Dashboard provides service organisations with many valuable advantages, such as:

Time Efficiency

With standard report formats and templates to help automate your data analytics, its quick and easy to retrieve and share actionable information. This enables fast, timely responses that can save time, money and boost customer satisfaction.


A user-friendly interface, with simple graphs and charts; our Dashboard module is easy to use and ensures your data more accessible for the whole business.

Actionable Insights
Reporting, filtering and data analysis provides key insights into all aspects of your service operations, from field-service engineer performance to customer revenue. Insight and knowledge delivers what’s needed to make informed business decisions and save money.
Real-time reporting

Get instant summaries with our Live Dashboard; set up and configured to display real-time data on screen, using job sheets, calls and reports.

Depending on your office setup, these can be displayed on a big screen within your office for all the team to see, or on individuals’ screens.

Improved Communication

Dashboards can be personalised per-user, made private or shared publicly. 

Analyse your data securely and drilldown to the granular details, ready to share, send and publish to keep teams in the loop.

Engaging, Visual Reports

Easily include charts, graphs and even images in your dashboard to make them engaging and immediately actionable.

Reports can be exported in all standard formats including Excel, PDF, Word and CSV and readily shared with the right people.

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Common FAQs about our Dashboard Software

Here are some of the things we’re often asked about our Live Dashboard and how it can streamline your business.

Why do we need dashboards?

RedZebra’s Live Dashboard is designed to provide clarity. It tracks, gathers and displays business data in customisable visualisations. It prevents data from being misinterpreted, enabling users to monitor,  analyse and provide actionable insights.

What is the difference between dashboard and data visualisation?

It’s a combination when you’re using RedZebra’s Dashboard module – A Dashboard provides a snapshot or summary of a large piece of information, making it easier to understand related sets of data. Data Visualisation tools present a visual such as a graph, chart or table, to assist in understanding data quickly and easily.

Can everyone see the dashboard I created?

No, not unless you want them to. Role-based permissions control which individuals or groups can have access, edit or view the dashboard you create.

Book a Demo

Discover how RedZebra’s field service management software can help you streamline your operations.

RedZebra makes light work of reporting, whatever your industry. Our field management software helps businesses to work more efficiently, stay connected, and provide better customer service.

From HVAC and refrigeration businesses to companies who service elevators, install medical equipment or maintain buildings, our powerful software streamlines they workflow and helps reduce admin costs.

Some of our most popular sectors are listed below.

Discover How We’ve Worked Within Your Industry

When you transfer your business operations to RedZebra, you’ll enjoy a number of benefits. These include:

Call Management module
Call Management

RedZebra’s call module gives you all the space you need to add, monitor, schedule and store details about calls. This powerful yet intuitive system has been designed to allow you to operate smoothly and efficiently and provide a top notch service to your clients or customers. Keep reading to find out more about its top features.

Job Management software
Customer Management

The Customer module keeps all your customer data in one place, making it easy to access customer information and manage accounts. It acts as your account nerve centre, giving you a place to record notes and maintain the high level of service your customers and clients expect from you.

Inventory Stock Management

It can be challenging to keep track of items you may be holding at different stock locations, such as your warehouses and vans, but not with RedZebra’s stock module. Using this module, you’ll be able to keep tabs on how much stock you have, where it is, and where it’s going. Keep reading to find out more about the powerful features of this useful module.